Tharad Nagarpalika Recruitment for Sweeper Posts 2018
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Tharad Nagarpalika Recruitment for Sweeper Posts 2018
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS:Read official notification for latest Recruitment Educational qualification
Salary:Read latest official notification for latest Recruitment vacancy salary
HoW TO APPLY:Eligible candidates may send their application & necessary documents to given address the advertisement.
Selection Process:Candidates will be selected base on an interview.
Address :ChiefOfficer, Tharad Nagarpalika, Ta- Thar Dist- Banaskantha.
Application Fee :Rs. 300/- DD in the name of "Chief Officer, Tharad Nagarpalika
"IMPORTANT DATES:Last Date : Within 30 days from the date of Advt. Published(Advt. Published Date: 08-03-2018)
full details below given